Investor relations. Transcom Holding AB är en kundservicespecialist med verksamhet världen över. Läs mer. Executive ManagementBoard of Directors
Team Olivia is one of the largest private operators offering care services in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The operations are conducted close to our customers
Due to Covid-19, the Board of Directors has decided that the annual general meeting will be held without the physical presence of shareholders, representatives or third parties and that the shareholders only will be able to exercise their voting rights in advance through so called postal voting, before the general The Board of Directors decided at the statutory board meeting, as authorised by the annual general meeting, to repurchase up to twelve million Class B treasury shares to deliver under the Share Bonus Scheme 2020, the Share Savings Scheme 2020, to cover thereto related costs for social security contributions, and to enable Sweco to use treasury shares as consideration in, or otherwise finance Sweco AB will on 16 March 2015 publish the content of the notice of the Annual General Meeting in the Official Gazette (Post- och Inrikes Tidningar) and on the company’s website. A note that the notice has been issued will at the same time be published in Svenska Dagbladet. Sweco’s Nomination Committee proposes to the 2017 annual general meeting that the Board of Directors consists of eight members. The Nomination Committee proposes the election of Elaine Weidman Grunewald as a new member. The Nomination Committee also proposes the re-election of Anders G Carlberg, Tomas Carlsson, Gunnel Duveblad, Johan Hjertonsson, Eva Lindqvist, Johan Nordström and Christine Andrew Barron. Deputy Chairman of the Board, elected 2019.
Chairman of the Board AB. Previously division manager in Fabege AB, CEO of Drott Kontor AB and property Present CEO of SWECO AB. He was appointed by a unanimous Board of Directors and thus new Chairman of the Board of Projektengagemang Sweden AB (publ). the Sweco Group and most recently as Managing Director of Sweco Management. The Board of Directors and the President of SWECO AB (publ) hereby. submit the annual report and consolidated annual report for the financial. year 2010.
been appointed as a non-executive director of Com Hem Holding AB, including ASSA ABLOY, Micronic Mydata, SWECO, Revres Holding,
Swedish innovator reduces The Board of Directors of Cramo Plc resolved to establish a new board committee called M&A Committee, the purpose of which is The Board appointed the following members to the Committees: Bolagsjurist med fokus på kapitalmarknadsfrågor till SBAB Bank AB (publ) Senior bolagsjurist till Sweco. Mr. Nordström was previously employed as a Chairman by Sweco AB, a Chief Executive Officer & Director by FFNS Gruppen AB, a Chairman Vd för HMS Networks AB (publ) sedan 2009.
Further to the uncertainty caused by Covid-19, it was decided at Sweco’s AGM on April 23, 2020, to adjust the dividend to SEK 3.10 per share, this to be compared with the Board of Director’s original proposal of a dividend of SEK 6.20 per share.
Annual General Meeting of Rejlers AB - Postal voting procedure only The Board of Directors of at Rejlers AB, Senior Executive Officer at Sweco AB President & Chief In accordance with Sweco’s Articles of Association, the Board of Directors is comprised of at least three and not more than nine members.
Max Joy, the managing director of engineering, environment and design consultancy Sweco UK, has been appointed to the company’s international group executive board. In his new role as Business Area President for Sweco UK, Max will help shape and deliver Sweco’s overall group strategy while remaining responsible for day-to-day operations in the UK.
The Extraordinary General Meeting in Sweco AB on October 22, 2020, passed the following resolutions. Dividend The General Meeting resolved, as proposed by the Board of Directors, on a dividend distribution to the shareholders of SEK 3.10 per share, in total SEK 367 million. Board Member since 2016. Born: 1955.
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Board of Directors and dividend Sweco AB (Publ) is located in Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden and is part of the Business Services Sector Industry. Sweco AB (Publ) has 20 employees at this location and generates $2.14 billion in sales (USD). There are 299 companies in the Sweco AB (Publ) corporate family.
Sweco AB hereby invite to annual general meeting on Thursday April 22, 2021.. Due to Covid-19, the Board of Directors has decided that the annual general meeting will be held without the physical presence of shareholders, representatives or third parties and that the shareholders only will be able to exercise their voting rights in advance through so called postal voting, before the general
The Board of Directors decided at the statutory board meeting, as authorised by the annual general meeting, to repurchase up to twelve million Class B treasury shares to deliver under the Share Bonus Scheme 2020, the Share Savings Scheme 2020, to cover thereto related costs for social security contributions, and to enable Sweco to use treasury shares as consideration in, or otherwise finance
Sweco AB will on 16 March 2015 publish the content of the notice of the Annual General Meeting in the Official Gazette (Post- och Inrikes Tidningar) and on the company’s website. A note that the notice has been issued will at the same time be published in Svenska Dagbladet.
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Company profile for Sweco AB Series B including key executives, insider trading, ownership, revenue and average growth rates. View detailed SWEC.B.SE description & address.
Sweco AB, 2,20%, 1,30%. JPM CHASE NA, 2,20%, 1,20%. ODIN Fonder, 1,80% Allt om bolagsstyrningen inom Swedavia AB. Special Advicer Board of Directors Veling Ltd. Tidigare Direktör Investering Trafikverket, VD och koncernchef Rejlers, VD Sweco Sverige, VD Sweco Russia och Sweco Övriga nuvarande befattningar: Styrelseledamot i SWECO AB (publ), Tidigare befattningar: Investment Director och sektorsansvarig för TMT på Kinnevik, VD för dtac, VD för digi, Executive Vice President of Developed Asia på Telenor, VD för Gunnel Duveblad, 65, 2018, Director.
She serves as a Director at Dustin AB (publ), Global Scaning A/S, Emric AB and Medius AB. She serves as a Member of the Board of Skandiabanken. She has been a Director of Sweco AB since April 10, 2008, Global IP Solutions, Inc., since June 10, 2009 and Dustin Group AB (publ) since January 19, 2016.
Independence: Independent in relation to the company and management as well as in relation to the company’s major shareholders.
The Annual General Meeting in Sweco AB on April 23, 2020 passed resolutions on the following: The annual general meeting resolved, as proposed by the nomination committee, that the Board of Directors shall be comprised of seven Directors elected by the general meeting and that no … Sweco AB hereby invite to annual general meeting on Thursday April 22, 2021. Due to Covid-19, the Board of Directors has decided that the annual general meeting will be held without the physical presence of shareholders, representatives or third parties and that the shareholders only will be able to exercise their voting rights in advance through so called postal voting, before the general meeting. Sweco announced today that, as a supplement to its previously presented proposals, the company’s Nomination Committee proposes Åsa Bergman to join the Board of Directors. Sweco’s Nomination Committee presented its proposals to the 2018 annual general meeting on 14 March 2018. The Board of Directors decided at the statutory board meeting, as authorised by the annual general meeting, to repurchase up to twelve million Class B treasury shares to deliver under the Share Bonus Scheme 2020, the Share Savings Scheme 2020, to cover thereto related costs for social security contributions, and to enable Sweco to use treasury shares as consideration in, or otherwise finance Amanda Carlberg is Deputy Member, Board of Directors at SWECO AB. View Amanda Carlberg’s professional profile on Relationship Science, the database of decision makers.